less than 1 minute read

It’s time for another very belated update to my theme, StayPuft for Ghost.

Ghost 0.11.4

The new version has been tested against Ghost 0.11.4 (i.e. that’s the version I’m currently running), but should work on any version beyond Ghost 0.9.0 at the time of writing. It might also work on older or newer versions, but I make no guarantees. If you would like to know what has changed, you can check out the Ghost dev blog.

If you need help upgrading Ghost itself, just follow the instructions in their own Support page.

Installing StayPuft

If you’re not yet using StayPuft and would like to try it out, just take a look at the Installation section over at GitHub.

Updating StayPuft

To update the theme, just follow the Installation instructions as normal. You may copy over your existing partials/disqus.hbs and partials/sidebar-external.hbs, but the partials/copyright.hbs file is now deprecated.